Conference Programme

Day 1: Thursday, 11 May 2017

Time Activity
9.00 – 9.30 am


Registration of participants
9.30 – 10.00a.m Welcome Tea and Exhibition
10.00 – 10.15 a.m. Welcome and Introduction


Ayeta Anne Wangusa, Programme Director, CDEA

10.15 – 10. 30a.m. Opening Remarks


Godfrey Madaraka  Nyerere, Chairman, CDEA

10.30 – 11.00a.m. Opening remarks


Ambassador Eninar H. Jensen, Royal Danish Embassy

11. 05 -11.30 a.m. Opening speech


Hon.  Charles John Mwijage, Tanzania Minister of Trade and Industry/Permanent Secretary


11.30 -11.45a.m Group Photo
11.45 -12.00 noon Music performance


12.00 -12.45p.m Creative Economy Value Chain Findings in East Africa

In the last two years, Hivos East Africa, CDEA and Heva Fund have carried out value chain studies that will  provide a pathway for the conversation for impact investment during the conference



Angela Kilusungu:   AfDB’s Feasibility Study for the Development
of the Fashionomics Platform


Ayeta Wangusa, Executive Director, CDEA: Tanzania Film and Music: Analysis of Industry-Specific Framework Conditions Relevant for Growth and Investment


George Gachara, MD, Heva Fund: The Financial Landscape for the Creative Industries in East Africa: What is the way forward?


12.45 -1.15p.m Q & A


Rapporteur: Zuhura Seng’enge

1.15 -2.00p.m Lunch and interviews in Exhibition Area
2.00 -3.00p.m Government Policy and Private Capital for  Impact Investment for the Creative Industries in East Africa

The conversation will begin by unpacking the concept Impact Investment and provide examples of impact investment in East Africa in other sectors?  It will consider if the creative economy is a viable sector for impact investment and what kind of investment is required? It will explore what kind of legislation is required  to attract private sector investment in the selected creative value chains and to mitigate the risk of investing in the creative industries that mostly situated at the precursor and  embryonic stages of industrial growth.  The speakers are drawn from government and impact investors who will provide a spotlight and opportunities for impact investment in the  creative sector.


Moderator:  Ms. Maria Sarungi Tsehai, Director of Productions at Compass Communications Ltd.

1.    Hon. Dr. James Ndahiro,  East African Legislative Assembly, EALA, Rwanda

2.    Hon.  Harrison George Mwakyembe , Minister of  Information, Arts, Culture and Sports Tanzania

3.    Stephen Gugu, Co-founder Viktoria Venture, Kenya

4.    Daniel  Maginga, Investment Executive, GroFin, Tanzania

5.    George Gachara, MD, Heva Fund, Kenya


Rapporteur: Zuhura Seng’enge, writer, Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA)


3.00 -3.30p.m Q & A
3.30 -5.00p.m Parallel Session Conversations
  Parallel Session 1: Textile Manufacturing and Fashion Design Value chain


What are the key challenges in the textile and fashion value chain and what impact investment actions are required to promote industrialized and handcrafted garment manufacturing in the EAC regional market that meets international standards for the global market?


Moderator:   Eng. Ismail Taifa,  Lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Rapporteur: Kemi Kalikawe, MD, Naledi Fashion House


Speaker:  Ms. Santa Anzo, MD at Arapapa Fashion House, Chair for AGOA Association of  Uganda


Speaker: Ndesumbuka Merinyo , Chairman, Tanzania Fashion Designers Association(Tanzania)


Speaker:  Grace Matovolwa, Director, World of Weaving (Tanzania)


Speaker:  Johnvianney B. Ndyamukama, Senior Textile Specialist, Textile Development Unit (Tanzania)



Parallel Session 2: Jewelry and Accessories Design


What safeguards need to be in place for impact investment in gold and gemstones jewellery design by artisans within the mining value chain in East Africa?


Moderator:     Nancy Joyce Bondo, Partner, Manyatta House of Accessories


Rapporteur: Clare Musilia, founder and creative director, Ruka


Speaker:   Sekela Nyange, Partner KusKus Jewels


Speaker:  Hasmain Sajan,  CEO, Tanzanite Experience, Tanzania


Speaker:   Julda Makundi, Head Marketing – Uru Diamonds




Parallel Session 3: Content Production for digital channels

What guarantee funding mechanisms need to be put in place to mitigate the risk of investing in the broadcasting sector, with focus on content production and distribution in local, regional and international markets?


Moderator:  Dr. Mona Mwakalinga, Head of Creative Arts Department, University of Dar es Salaam


Rapporteur: Angela Kilusungu, Audio-visual Programme Officer CDEA


Speaker:  Amil Shijvi, MD, Kijiweni Productions, Tanzania


Speaker:  John Riber, Media in Development International, Tanzania


Speaker:   Aaron Zziwa, Managing Director, Zarron Motion Pictures, Uganda


Speaker: Ms Dorothy Ghettuba, CEO., Spiel Works Media,Kenya



Parallel Session 4: Festivities and Events within the Tourism Circuit

 What would impact investment for the music industry in East Africa within the framework of  sustainable tourism look like? What commitments should government, private sector and development partners make in this ecosystem?



Moderator: Dr. Kedmon Mapana, Head of Department of Creative Arts, University of Dar es Salaam


Rapporteur: Grace Matata, Musician/Business Development Manager, CDEA


Speaker: Faisal Kiwewa, Director, Bayimba Foundation


Speaker:   Abdi Rashid Jibril,  Director, Roots International  (Kenya)


Speaker:    Yusuf Mahmoud, CEO & Festival Director, Sauti za Busara


Speaker: Aziza Ongala, Events Manager, EAVC and Wikendi Live, Tanzania



5.00p.m Coffee break/End of Day 1



Day 2: Friday, 12 May 2017


Time Activity
9.00 – 9.30 am


Registration of participants
9.30 – 10.00a.m Welcome Tea
10.00 – 11.00 a.m. Gallery walk to view the exhibitions of the creative entrepreneurs, businesses and financial institutions
Plenary sessions
11.00 – 11. 45a.m. Moderator: Editrudith Lukanga, Board member, CDEA


Presentation of the outcomes of the parallel sessions

The rapporteurs selected during the sessions will present a summary of the discussions in each group

11.45a.m -12.00noon Music performance


12.00-12.45p.m Making a case for an impact capital vehicle for supporting the creative economy ecosystem in East Africa


Moderator:  Mr. Robert Mwapembwa,  Media and Marketing Manager, East African Art Biennale , Tanzania


Speaker: Faisal Kiwewa, Director, Bayimba Foundation, Uganda


Speaker :  George Gachara, Executive Director, The Nest Collective, Kenya


Speaker : Ayeta Anne Wangusa, Executive Director, CDEA, Tanzania


Rapporteur: Kido Jasper  Sabuni, journalist

12.45 -1.15p.m Q & A
1.15 -2.00p.m Lunch and interviews
2.00 -4.00p.m



















Moderator:   Elizabeth Mbabazi, CDEA Advisory Board Member, CDEA

 Rapporteur: Lydia Nyachiro Kasese, CDEA Advisory Board Member


·         Audio-visual content producers


·         Fashion designers


·         Jewelers /accessories designers


·         Event planners & curators


·         Creative incubators


·         Creative working space

4.00-4.30p.m Health Break
4.30 -6.30p.m Networking and Closing cocktail